A solid acid formed by reactions of orthophosphoric acid. 一种固体酸,由正磷酸反应形成。
The effects of orthophosphoric acid concentration in precursor preparation with n pentanol as reductive agent on vanadium catalyst behavior were studied. 实验考察了以正戊醇为还原剂的前驱体制备过程中磷酸浓度对催化剂性能的影响。
The effects of orthophosphoric acid concentration in precursor preparation on the catalyst behavior have been studied. 考察了前驱体制备过程中磷酸含量对催化剂性能的影响。
Phosphorous acid is the acid anhydride of orthophosphoric acid ( H3 PO4). 五氧化二磷是正磷酸(H3PO4)的酸酐。
The lightweight bubble alumina ceramic was prepared with bubble alumina and α-Al 2O 3 powder, together with orthophosphoric acid solution as the binder. 采用氧化铝空心球和αAl2O3微粉为原料,以磷酸溶液为结合剂制备了轻质氧化铝空心球陶瓷。
According to the analysis of EDX, XPS and XRD, the formation processing and reaction of passivated films on the sauce of electrogalvanizing coating in a low chromate solution containing orthophosphoric acid were investigated. 根据EDX,XPS和XRD分析结果,阐述镀锌层在含磷酸低浓度铅酸溶液中钝化成膜过程和成膜反应。
Adenosine triphosphate ATP is composed of adenine, D-ribose and three orthophosphoric acid groups. 三磷酸腺苷ATP分子由三部分组成:腺嘌呤,D-核糖,及以酯键相连的三个正磷酸基团。
Plant uptake of P for three inorganic phosphates per pot, plant phosphorus content and phosphorus utilization raised and was in the order: sodium pyrophosphate maximum, followed by orthophosphoric acid and calcium biphosphate. 三种无机磷肥处理每盆植株吸磷量、植株含磷量和磷肥利用率,以焦磷酸钠提高的最多,其次是磷酸,最少的是磷酸二氢钙。